Start Practising Pilates in Malta

7 Tips to Prevent Muscle Ageing

Is it possible to slow down muscle ageing? Find it out in this blog article! You can start your healthy workout routine and improve your muscle strength and quality of life by practising Pilates in Malta!

There is a silent and progressive illness that we might consider a normal part of ageing decay. However, this dangerous condition, if left unchecked, can greatly impact your quality of life by reducing your ability to perform daily tasks. It can lead to the loss of your independence and the need for long-term care.

This condition affects your musculoskeletal system and is a major factor in increased frailty, falls and fractures. As a consequence, all this can lead to hospitalizations and surgeries, which increase the risk of complications including death.

This silent and sometimes even unknown illness that acts unnoticed is called Sarcopenia.

What is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is the natural loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs as we age, more in certain subjects compared to others. This condition can lead to decreased mobility and independence, as well as a higher risk of falls and injury. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent or slow down the onset of sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia most commonly affects people ages 60 and older. The rates increase with age, in fact, the rates of the condition range from 5% to 13% in people ages 60 and older while the estimates increase to 11% to 50% in people ages 80 and older.

Is sarcopenia a normal part of ageing?

It’s normal to lose some muscle mass as you age. As anabolic hormones such as testosterone or growth hormone decrease, either in men or women, a certain loss of lean mass is sure. However, sarcopenia describes severe muscle loss that strays from the norm.

Sarcopenia affects your gait, balance, and overall ability to perform daily tasks. For a long time, researchers have believed that this deterioration was inevitable. Nevertheless, they’re now beginning to look into ways that might prevent or slow down this muscle ageing process.

tips to prevent muscle ageing

Tips agains muscle ageing

Here are some tips to help you maintain your muscle mass and strength as you age:

Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent sarcopenia. Focus on exercises that target the major muscle groups, such as weightlifting, resistance training, and bodyweight exercises. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes, three to four times a week. Exercise stimulates the production of anabolic hormones that help counteract the loss of lean mass and strength. Even though this effect is limited as age progresses, the benefits are still worth the effort.

Eat a balanced diet: A diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. Make sure to include lean protein sources, such as chicken and fish, or grass-fed meat cuts that contain higher quantities of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2.

Stay hydrated: Dehydration can negatively impact muscle mass and strength. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Consider also alkaline water to improve the hydrating effect of water maintaining a good acid-base balance.  

Get enough sleep: Sleep is important for the repair and recovery of muscles. Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. If you cannot sleep that long or use to wake up during the night consider asking your general practitioner about the usage of melatonin to improve sleep duration and quality.

Stay active: Even simple activities, such as taking walks or doing household chores, can help maintain muscle mass and strength. The key is to stay active and avoid prolonged periods of inactivity.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of sarcopenia. Quit smoking and limit your alcohol consumption to reduce your risk of developing this condition.

Consider using supplements: If your diet is lacking in essential vitamins and minerals, consider supplementing with a daily multivitamin to ensure that you are getting the nutrients your muscles need to stay strong. Moreover, the supplementation of certain amino acids such as hydroxyl-methyl butyrate, L-leucine, L-glutamine and L-arginine has shown to be effective for the optimal management of sarcopenia in geriatric patients.

Pilates as a treatment against muscle ageing

Pilates is a type of bodyweight training that, if practised regularly, can help you maintain the efficiency of your musculoskeletal system as it strengthens muscles and joints while improving range of motion, posture and balance.

Would you like to practice Pilates in Malta? Join our classes and start counteracting muscle ageing right now!

To check the available classes of Fitness and Pilates in Malta click on the link below.

In conclusion, maintaining muscle mass and strength as you age is crucial for maintaining mobility, independence, and overall health. By following these tips, you can help prevent sarcopenia and maintain your muscle mass and strength well into your golden years.

Alex Cusenza

Certified Personal Trainer, Athletic trainer and Certified Pilates Instructor

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